Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Personal Statement.

The January of my Fourth Grade year, I began to live in a single family household, only my mom, two older siblings, and two dogs. Things would never be the same; family life would never be complete. I may not have known it then, but from then on I would be striving to make a better life for myself, a self sufficient life depending on no one but me. I managed to make it through the rest of elementary school unscathed, until I left right before my 8th Grade year to attend the local all boys’ high school, Archbishop Shaw. At this point my brother and sister were grown up and off to find their own ways, and I entered my first year of real high school. Fortunately, I had already been there for a year and knew how the system worked. Then Hurricane Katrina hit and turned everything upside down. Slowly but surely my family grew further and further apart. My mom, brother, and sister grew to hate one another, along with a vicious battle between my mom’s side and my dad’s side of the family. Obviously I was stuck right in the middle. From then on out, it was only me and my mom.

School started up again in October, and I was searching for my way out from all the things going on around me. The nearby all girl school was holding auditions for Beauty and the Beast. My math teacher said he would give us extra credit for auditioning since he worked with the director. I had shown a small interest in acting in grade school but never singing or dancing. I looked at my Pre-Algebra grades, then looked at the audition form and said, “What the heck?” Doing that show will leave me with things I will never forget. I finally found a place where I had no worries, the stage. It became a place that I called home.

Gradually, more and more connections were made, networking became easier, and now I’ve done shows with 8 different local companies ranging from high schools, to small local churches, to two of the biggest theatres in the New Orleans area. It is an amazing feeling to be able to be a part of the rebirth of theatre in New Orleans.

Along with balancing a busy rehearsal schedule, I managed to still stay involved in as much of school as possible. I was invited into both National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta, along with being a part of Respect Life, Art Club, and most importantly Peer Ministry and Music Ministry. Working on masses, retreats, and daily prayer was only half of it. It was important as a peer minister to be a guide for other students as well as a role model. The determination to go to work every morning before school, and follow school with rehearsal every day, is what makes it all pay off. All of my work is for my love of the theatre.

Being on stage performing has never made me a happier person. I was finally able to come in to my own person with no inhibitions. One thing I strive for is to be happy, and one thing that makes me happy is to see other people happy. Theatre fulfills this for me. Someone may be sitting in the theatre having the absolute worse day, but for a brief moment, no matter how miniscule, you can bring them a tiny flicker of happiness.

Hopefully this works out
Until then blog thank you for letting me open up to you

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