Monday, October 20, 2008

Live it.

We as humans need three things to maintain a state of emotional stabily:

In general its important that we afre told that we are valued. This past weekend Ive realized that I am a "valued player." Its a great feeling. Although this weekend sucked royally, ithelped me realize this. I think returning from New York helped as well.

Id like to take this time to let you knwo that I appreciate you for who you are.
You are amazing.
Im glad we talk as much as we do.
When others are hating, I love you.
I love you.
I like how we always talk about him.
Im glad you are my first best friend.
Im glad you are one of my best friends now.
If I could give you my my heart, I would.
Only for you babe.

Never doubt yourself. Dont regret anything. Live life to the fullest.
If you ever think doubt, realize that you are something awesome to someone else.

The next time i see you I'll let you know I care about you.
Until then thank you blog for letting me open up to you.

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