Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Determination.... I GOT IT

Im sitting religion class as i write this. I got one of my black friends to give me a proxy to get on all the naughty sites at school. Apparently blogspot.com is a naughty site. Think about that as you read this. You're being naughty. ...its a good feeling.... i know.

So first off, congrats to me for getting Seymour in Mount Carmels production of Little Shop of Horrors. I have never been so excited to be in a show until now. Ive never dreamed of a better role. My one thing im slightly worried about is the fact that its after school and im already doing another show. I cannot believe that im doing two shows working and still in school. Unlike the way i thought it was going to be, school as been very very good. And i thought i was going to be completely stressed and depressed and out of control, but im so content. Im almost afraid. Its amazing. So this is my daily schedule --
430-700 : Work
700-230 : School
230-300 : Afterschool bullshit
330-530 : Little Shop Rehearsal
700-900 : Miss Saigon Rehearsal

That up there is absolutely ridiculous. But ive realized that i am determined to make this work for me. Katie at rehearsal told me this when i told her my schedule, "Wow Kaleb. thats crazy. but you know what, you are going to get everything you want in life, because you work so hard for it." That made me feel so good. Every once and a while i get discouraged about all the things that i do and all my crazy stress. But when i hear things like that it makes me feel great. Then Dell [moms boyfriend] said, "Eventually it will all pay off." Ive realized that it will pay off. Maybe not now, but in the distant future it will. Im going places.

Also i got accepted to go to New York for a leadership retreat at the begining of October. That is also amazing. I cannot wait. Being in NY for one is gonna be awesome, but to also be able to leave from there a better person and be able to help others even more than i do is gonna be greater. OMM im so excited.

I have been having the best days lately. Its amazing. I am so happy. But its just so ridiculous that im happy even though i got all this stuff going on. But ive realized that i have no unnecessary stress. i have no friend drama or in a serious relationship with anyone. [which is dissapointing but thats another blog] i just dont have time for it. This keeps me out of trouble and perfectly content with life. I also noticed with my positivity, the amounts of negativity of others. People are really disapointed and stress about alot of things. People should think about how fortunte they have to have the lives that we do. How privledged are you to even be able to read this blog. Be happy with the lives that we live. Lets hang out, Ill brighten your day i promise.

We'll see how things pan out over the next couple of months
Until then blog thank you for letting me open up to you

1 comment:

DannDann said...

congrats on seymour babe! you definitely deserve it.

i love how positive you are. it makes me happy. :]]
