Thursday, April 9, 2009

Motion Picture Movie Perfect

I wish that real life were like this...

... and would last forever.

It's like catching lightening
The chances of of finding, someone like you
It's one in a million
The chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?

Monday, April 6, 2009


If you are one of those people that don't like play by play weekend blogs, then this blog isn't for you. I want to make sure that i remember the past few days forever.
This weekend, to say the least, was blogworthy. It played out in ways i never thought possible.

Starting with Friday, Hannah and I made last minute plans to go to Electric Lady Land and schedule an appointment and put down a deposit on a tattoo that i wanted to get. She picked me up after school, and off we went. Windows down, cigarette in hand and show tunes as loud as possible. After we made the appointment we headed to the Market to kill some time. Then i saw it, the hat i had been searching for for months. A Houndstooth derby hat. With me and Hannah's impressive bargaining skills i got the hat for only 10 dollars. We walked around a bit and then headed back to the Westbank to stop at the bank and for Hannah to make it back to Midlife. The whole time we were driving we were low on gas and practically didn't make it back. Luckily we didn't become those people that run out of gas while in the drive up line at the bank. We did become those people that almost run out of gas in the drive up line at the bank. Following soon after i headed out to the Mount Carmel Talent Show to see Natalie and Jeanne Marie perform. Both were amazing as always. When i got there the doors were crowded with people and they weren't letting anyone else in. Luckily Natalie snuck me in the back door and kinda just went in like i owned the place. Mount Carmel basically loves me. After the show, Miss Lozano gave me and the other seniors a cut stone necklace. I'm in love. I've been wearing it ever since. "The stone is rough and will wear down to form fit to your bodies energy. Its for the creative artist." I love that woman. Natalie and I headed out to dinner at Reginellis in Kenner. Delish. On the way, a car full of screaming tweens rolled down their window and screamed to me at a red light. Its funny that this isn't the first this has happen leaving Mount Carmel. Like i said, Mount Carmel basically loves me. After dinner me and Nat went over to Dani's with Hannah. A simple night of cookies and milk. And like the classy gentleman i am, i got Nat home right on time.
Saturday, the moment of truth. Hannah and Dani picked me up and headed straight to the tattoo shop. The day finally came, and i did it. The Four Queens of Narnia were all by my side, and tying my shoelaces together while i was sitting in the chair(thanks Mattie). The tattoo is pretty much the most hardcore thing I've ever done. After leaving we received a tweeter from Alex stating a soccer game and pirate convention and since we were uptown i automatically assumed they were both at the fly. We basically walked in on everyone's family day. Ha. I said my goodbyes to Hannah and Dani and was dropped off at Buffalo Exchange to meet up with Chase and Lance or Chance and Lace. We picked up a few things and walked over to American Apparel where we found our costumes for the boy band we are starting. Pretty Perfect. We will be amazing. We strolled down to Funky Monkey where my dreams came true. I found a red tie and cummerbund. So many things i bought in the city over the weekend that made me happy and that just added to the list. We decided to go to Lances house for dinner but first stopping at Wal-Mart to pick up t-shirts and dye. We made it down to St. Rose. The evening consisted of tye-dying, hamburgers, beers at a neighbors, football, no shirts on, and Wendy's frostys. A successful night with the boys. I finally made it home and Dani, Hannah and Jesse, stopped by after Mid Life. The day couldn't have been better.
Sunday i woke up bright and early for a long day at work. The day it self wasnt that bad. I stopped at McDonald's near the house and met up with Chase, Dani, and Hannah. A good time to say the least. Chase and I headed out to The Locks for a cherry top to the weekend. Its always relaxing to end the weekend there. Its my one spot to not think about anything and have no worries at all. I love that spot. Im glad Chase was there with me. We said our goodbyes and i headed home but first stopping to get a snowball.
The weekend was that of epic proportions. It made me realize I have a life worth living with some amazing friends by my side. One thing i kept thinking is that Im not one of those young teenagers anymore, Im finally one of those "Older Kids" I love it.
I wouldnt trade this past weekend for anything in the world.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Stronger than Yesterday.

Bye bye to Bye Bye Birdie. These 8 months have been the longest of my life, and i loved every second of it.

Shall we recap all the way back to July.
Pajamas, fish visits, Marty, sushi and ice cream, best friends and relationships, Baja Blast, Djarum blacks, baby tiny coffee pots, working at 430 every morning, car accidents, "American Girl", steamy kisses, party, party, party, Facebook marriages, gay day, boat launches and levees, pre-show tequila shots, little miss sunshine, finding myself in New York city, yellow converse, Bourbon Street and all events included, Homecoming after party, the fly, Alladin, Gem Theatre, Skid Row, long talks, curly hair, Christmas Break. Period, golden girl snuggie pool parties, headbands, Santa Claus without a cause, Kitty Barbie with a dick, zebra vest, longer talks, Chorus, cuts and bruises and mug dances, hating the NOCCA kids then becoming their gay dad, Superbowl "Party", 80's dance, Birthday weekend, cutting Footloose and kicking off my Sunday shoes, University of Central Florida auditions, building relationships for the fourth time, rekindling old relationships, more hookups, more pot, more alcohol, cowboy hats and kinky principals, one final show, and "Talk to Me."

The things Ive done. The lesson Ive learned. The things we've all done. The lessons we've all learned.
All worth it. I loved every single second.

Monday, March 23, 2009

... another show.

Today I open my final high school musical. I didn't think this day would ever happen. As much as I am looking forward to the show, the ending will be bittersweet as most shows are when they come to a close.
Lately my life has seemed to be a horribly scripted docudrama you would see on Lifetime. You know, the one with that gay kid that gets involved with several people within his circle of friends, hooks up with and builds a relationship with that straight kid, and then realizes he's madly in love with one of his closest girl friends, all still struggling through his senior year of high school, working every morning before school, making it through 7 shows in merely 8 months, and strive to be a normal teenage boy.
That's all i really want. I want to be just a normal teenage boy. I know that its not realistic, but it'd be nice to be that young man who has his significant other and hangs out with his friends on the weekends. Normal seems to be a little appealing to me right now. But really... who's to say what normal really is.

Saturday night I ended up half way out to Hammond and an hour away from Kenner. Scared doesn't even begin to describe how i felt. Dark, alone, no exit signs, not an idea where i was. And im not just describing my lost trip. Ive felt that way a lot about life recently. But I'm learning. I learn from every single thing.
Ive learned that i know when i need to be a good friend.
Ive learned i will always care.
Ive learned when i need to give someone space to think.
Ive learned to shrug things off when you cant hold on to them forever.
Ive learned people are really critical.
Ive learned things will always be awkward with some people.
Ive learned friends are constantly at my side.
Ive learned to stick up for people who deserve a second chance.
Ive learned every roller coaster has to go downhill before it can go back up.
Ive learned that when you get off the roller coaster, you want to get right back on.
Ive learned i have no regrets.
Ive learned to scratch things off my list of emotional issues.
Ive learned if you write hard enough, no matter how much you erase, the print is still there.
Ive learned that I am growing with every single day.
Ive learned that you will watch me grow.

Life never ceases to amaze me.
And this is it. The end of an era. The funny thing is its not the end. Its just the beginning to the rest of my life.

Walking out to center stage, I look out to the crowd. Raise my head high, and take my final bow. I stand and take a quick smirk to loves one and fall back into line. All i can help but think as i try to hold back tear at the end of every show is. Its done. Another show. And i loved every minute of it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kelly, Period.

The term, YOU, can be used single, plural, masculine, feminine, abstract, or concrete.

And thats exactly what i think about when i listen to this song. Whether it be about a single person or even a group of friends. Whether its one single boy or a group of girls. Whether it be about the place i hate the most or memories i chose not to remember. Whether it be you... or even me. Whether it be the me that i don't want you to see or i don't want to see anymore. Whether it be the me you remember or the me that i long forgot.

Since U been gone,
I can breath for the first time.
You should know,
Now i get what i want.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The List.

As I write this blog, it is currently early morning on February 6, 2009, officially one week until my birthday. The 17th year of my life was definitely that of something substantial. I started doing real theatre for the first time and things have only been looking up from there. Also, in this past year I went on OLR in New York. That was most likely the best experience of my life. I finally understood myself and how I fit in to my surroundings. Yesterday, I was reading a friend of minds witness talk for some peer to peer help. The more I read the more I missed that single week in the middle of the New Jersey woods with 80 people I didn’t even know and how much it affected my life. Oh how much I miss it.

Also, in my 17th year, the list was created. We all have the list no matter how much we try to deny that it exists. We all date, we all fuck around, and we all fuck up. The people on your list will continuously continue to grow. The list…

1. At the beginning of the list is simple. We date someone, and we think that it is the best thing that you think could have ever happened. Unfortunately, not all relationships work out. If it ends badly, you most likely won’t talk anymore and there is awkwardness every time you see them. No matter how hard you try to mend things, you’ll probably never speak again.

2. Slowly the list becomes more complicated. You may talk to someone and there may be mutual feelings. Then the other person realizes that you shouldn’t be together, and eventually you stop talking. In the future, you still become friends, but every once in a while, you start thinking of the past and how good it could have been.

3. There are some people on your list that you will continue to keep close. You date, hook up, and things seem to be almost perfect. The emotional attraction is there, and even the physical attraction is there as well. But it won’t work out. You both try so hard but in the end, ultimately it will never happen.

4. Sometimes some of your closest friends end up on the list. You wish that they wouldn’t be there but when you are with them it’s sometimes the most comforting. Unfortunately, your friendship will suffer from the relationship you are trying to make and things might just be better separate.

5. By this time, your list has substantially grown and you think you’ve matured in your choices. Although the people on the list aren’t always mature enough to be there. You want relationships to work out but the other person isn’t always ready for it and kinda fucks it up. Unfortunately, they end up being another person that you probably won’t talk to much anymore.

6. There are people that lead you on to believe that you like them. They tell you they want to get with you, then as soon as you show interest, it’s done and it they make it look like you are the needy one.

7. Some people you show no interest in at all, yet they still like you. You begin to tell yourself that you like them purely because it would be easy. But is it really easy to like someone only because they are simple just “there.”

8. Your list grows and grows and sometimes you only want someone to be your friend. You become there friend, and bam one thing leads to another, and you are head over heels for each other, then BAM as quick as a switch blade, they leave the picture.

I’m almost positive we all know of this list. As soon as a relationship begins or ends or even when you see on your numbered friends, you can’t help but have the list cross your mind. The relationships you have with each of these people will never be the same. There isn’t a single thing you can do to change it. Sometimes you may act like there isn’t any history between the two of you and sometimes that might just be the right thing to think.

Every once in a while people of your list get brought up in to conversations. “You should get back with him, you seemed good together.” “Why don’t you get back with him, Why didn’t that work out?” “If you were both attracted to each other then why didn’t it work out?”

I’m constantly reminded on a daily basis of each of the people on my list. Whether how small or big the relationship was, I think about it. As tiny as a, “Hmmm, I like you” to a “one night thing” to a “I’m sorry I don’t like you” to a “I thought we were gonna work out”. My thought process goes from one thing to the next to the next. And it’s not like I’m thinking of things that don’t involve me, each thing I am a definite part of and reminded all the time. I don’t regret a single one of my decisions though. I’ve grown from each one.

It’s just sometimes I wish that I could have a single person who I am like best friends with that I can vent to about absolutely everything and they not be directly involved in a single situation. One person who knew all of my people, but didn’t care about a single one of them. Unfortunately if they didn’t care about any of them then they wouldn’t know any of them and the effort would be useless.

My 18th year should be that of an interesting one. I’ll be finishing high school and I’ll be beginning college. I’ll be an adult. Woah. This should be very very interesting.